Daniel Chua discusses music that can uplift the spirit in times of crisis


15 June, 2020

HKAH Fellow Professor Daniel Chua, who is the Mr and Mrs Hung Hing-Ying Professor in the Arts and Chair Professor of Music at the University of Hong Kong, offers his video reflections on “Music in Words: Impromptu in the Key of COVID-19.

In this video, Professor Chua explores the impromptus that Schubert composed as he faced death, and makes his listeners perceive how music can provide deep meaning and consolation in times of isolation, loneliness and fear:

In an earlier tribute appearing in the December 8, 2019 edition of the SCMP, and commemorating the 250th  anniversary of Beethoven, he revealed the vulnerability and tender humanity piercing the heroic strains of Beethoven’s music.

Professor Chua exemplifies how humanities scholars in our Academy are drawing on their expert knowledge to respond with acute understanding to the COVID crisis.

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