Chu-Ren HUANG 黃居仁 (Fellow)
Fields of Study:
Generative Lexicon, Ontology, Linguistic Studies in Computational, Chinese Lexical Semantics, Corpus, Machine, Lexical Functional, Grammar (LFG), Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG), Introduction to Computational Linguistics
Chu-Ren HUANG is Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Chair Professor of Applied Chinese Language Studies at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
He received his PhD in linguistics from Cornell in 1987, and a Doctor Honoris Causa in Humanities from Aix-Marseille University in 2013. He has played an active role at HKAH, including executive member, Vice President, and President (since 2013). He is also a permanent member of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL, elected 2004) and the President of Asian Association for Lexicography (ASIALEX, elected 2013). He has served on various editorial boards, including as Editor-in-Chief of Lingua Sinica and Cambridge Studies in Natural Language Processing.
His main scholarly contributions are in the areas of Chinese linguistics, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, digital humanities and ontology. Before coming to Hong Kong, he spent more than 20 years at Academia Sinica, where he was a Research Fellow at the Institute of History and Philology and later founding Vice-Director of the Institute of Linguistics. He has held adjunct or visiting positions at Stanford, UCSB, UCSD, UPenn, CNR-ILC, CRLAO-EHESS, Peking University, Xi’an Jiaotung University, National Tsing Hua University, National Chung Cheng University, National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University, CityU, and PolyU. He has served on various grant and academic review panels in Europe, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, including RGC and ERC.
He has received multiple grants as PI or Co-I from funding agencies around the world, including FP7, Erasmus Mundus, NSF-NSC, ANR-NSC, ESRC-RGC, CCK Foundation, NEDO Foundation, NSC, RGC, and Academia Sinica Investigator Award. He has served as President of both the ROC Computational Linguistics Society and the Linguistic Society of Taiwan while in Taiwan. He has also served as conference or programme committee chairs of multiple international conferences or workshops, including ALR, CLSW, CogALex, COLING, IACL, IsCLL, LAW, OntoLex, ROCLING, and PACLIC.
In addition to over 400 published books, journal articles, book chapters and conference papers, his most important academic contribution is the construction of Chinese language resources to serve as the infrastructure for digital humanities and language technology, including the construction of 12 licensable language resources and 10 searchable online language databases, ranging from electronic lexica, corpora, treebanks, wordnets, to ontologies.
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