CHU Hung-lam 朱鴻林 (Fellow)

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Fields of Study:

Imperial China’s institutions of Confucian canonization, the community compact and reproduction of social order, classical lectures in the court, character and policies of the Ming founder, Ming territorial expansion and consolidation in the provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi


CHU Hung-lam is Chair Professor of Chinese Culture in the Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is also Chairman of the Council of Confucius Institute of Hong Kong, and Chang Jiang Scholars Chair Professor of Ancient Chinese History.

He received his B.A. and M.A. in Chinese Literature and History from Chu Hai College in Hong Kong and earned his 1984 Ph.D. in East Asian Studies from Princeton University. He was a Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. and a Research Fellow of the Institute of History and Philology at the Academia Sinica in Taipei before returning to teach in Hong Kong. Prior to joining The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he was Professor and Deputy Chairman of the Department of History and Director of the Center for Confucian Studies in the Research Institute for the Humanities at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor Chu is by training a sinologist with specialization in the history and culture of late imperial China. His areas of research include the intellectual, social and political history of that period, particularly of the Ming, Neo-Confucian classics, and literary collections – wenji – by Ming authors. Professor Chu is an active researcher and serves the profession as editorial board member of a number of scholarly journals and as reviewer of manuscripts and tenure cases. 

He loves classroom teaching and countryside excursion with his students, whose approval won him a Chinese University of Hong Kong Vice-Chancellor‘s Exemplary Teaching Award and many sweet memories.


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